DESCRIPTION OF FONT AWESOME IMPORT INTO MOODLE ----------------------------------------------- Download the latest free web version from Font Awesome comes in 2 parts relating to Moodle: 1. Fonts: a. Replace the content in lib/fonts with the files in the webfonts folder. b. Update lib/thirdpartylibs.xml. 2. SCSS: a. Replace the files in this folder (/theme/boost/scss/fontawesome) with the files in the scss folder. b. Copy the LICENSE.txt file from the root to theme/boost/scss/fontawesome. c. Update theme/boost/thirdpartylibs.xml. CHANGES -------- 1. The fonts need to be provided using the [[font:core|xxxx]] method. Edit fontawesome/brands.scss, fontawesome/regular.scss and fontawesome/solid.scss to replace: url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-xxxxx-400.zzzzz') format('zzzzz') with url('[[font:core|fa-xxxxx-400.zzzzz]]') format('zzzzz'), FINALLY -------- After applying the previous changes to the library: 1. Update the Component library files (for instance, admin/tool/componentlibrary/content/moodle/components/ 2. Run `php admin/tool/componentlibrary/cli/fetchicons.php` to update admin/tool/componentlibrary/hugo/site/data/fontawesomeicons.json 3. Run `grunt` to update the CSS style files and the Component library files.