This files describes API changes for course formats Overview of this plugin type at === 4.3.4 === * The core_courseformat\base::get_format_string last parameter has been removed because it was erroneous. === 4.3 === * New core_courseformat\output\activitybadge class that can be extended by any module to display content near the activity name. The content of the afterlink feature has been moved to the end of the activity card so modules using it should check this new feature which might fit better. Some considerations about the activitybadge feature: - The badge content is always plain text (no HTML). - The badge style can be set (by default is initialized with badge-none, but it can be set by any module). - An optional URL to redirect the user when the badge is clicked. - An optional ID to add the element in case the module wants to add some JS to the badge events. - Optionally, any other extra HTML attributes to the badge element (for example, data attributes). * Protected function `core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability::availability_info()` has been deprecated, `core_courseformat\output\local\content\section\availability::get_availability_data()` should be used instead. * New course format output classes: - core_courseformat\output\local\content\cm\groupmode output class to display the groupmode icon in the activity card. === 4.2 === * New core_courseformat\base::get_context() to get the course context directly from the format instance. * New core_courseformat\base::delete_module() method. Now format plugins can extend the activity deletion logic by overriding this method. * The reactive course editor now uses the standard fragment library to refresh an individual section or activity card in the course content. Instead of using adhoc YUI methods and webservice, the new fragment methods are: - core_courseformat_output_fragment_cmitem - core_courseformat_output_fragment_section * New methods and outputs added for bulk editing (only available for formats compatible with reactive components): - Mutations for editing the bulk data: bulkEnable, bulkReset, cmSelect, cmUnselect, sectionSelect and sectionUnselect. - Output classes overridable by the plugins: content\bulkedittools, content\bulkedittoggler - Renderer method: core_courseformat\output\section_renderer::bulk_editing_button - New overridable checkboxes: content/cm/bulkselect.mustache and content/section/bulkselect.mustache * Plugins can use the CSS class "bulk-hidden" to hide elements when the bulk editing is enabled. * New core_courseformat\base::duplicate_section method to duplicate course sections and their modules within a course. * The section renderer will now respect the new course view parameter 'expandsection'. If the course's view page is being called with this parameter set to a section number, this section will be shown expanded. * core_courseformat\base::get_view_url() now by default returns a url for the *expanded* section. This can be changed by adding ['expanded' => false] to the options parameter of get_view_url(). * The newly introduced protected method core_courseformat\output\local\content\section::is_section_collapsed() now should be used by format plugins to determine if a section should be rendered collapsed or expanded at first. This method can also be overwritten by course formats, but should respect the new 'expandsection' parameter when doing so. * New core_courseformat\base::get_editor_custom_strings() method to customize course editor strings. The returned string array is used to override section related strings in the frontend. * New core_courseformat\base::get_format_string() to get strings that can be overridden by the format plugin. The method will check first the string in the format_PLUGINNAME.php lang file and, if not, it will return the core_courseformat string instead. * New course format output classes: - core_courseformat\output\local\content\cm\visibility to display the activity availability. === 4.1 === * New \core_courseformat\stateupdates methods add_section_remove() and add_cm_remove() have been added to replace the deprecated methods add_section_delete() and add_cm_delete(). * The 4th param of the core_courseformat\output\local\content\cm\cmname construct is now deprecated. The page edition is now detected using the course_format\base:show_editor method as the rest of the core_courseformat outputs. It defaults to checking the capability 'moodle/course:manageactivities'. If different capabilities are needed to check, an array of capabilities can be passed as an optional parameter to the function. === 4.0 === * New core_courseformat\base::uses_course_index() to define whether the course format uses course index or not. * New core_courseformat\base::supports_components() to specify if the format is compatible with reactive components. * New core_courseformat\base::uses_indentation() to specify if the format is compatible with activity indentation. * New core_courseformat\base::get_course_display() if the course uses COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE or COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE layout. === 3.10 === * Added the missing callback supports_ajax() to format_social. === 3.9 === * The following functions, previously used (exclusively) by upgrade steps are not available anymore because of the upgrade cleanup performed for this version. See MDL-65809 for more info: - format_topics_upgrade_remove_numsections() - format_topics_upgrade_hide_extra_sections() - format_topics_upgrade_add_empty_sections() - format_weeks_upgrade_remove_numsections() - format_weeks_upgrade_hide_extra_sections() - format_weeks_upgrade_add_empty_sections() * The non-ajax controls to add resources and activities are now rendered only when needed, such as when the user preference is set, or when the theme sets $THEME->enablecourseajaxtheme to false. Formats which directly access the '.section_add_menus' element or its children should be updated accordingly. * section_header() now needs to include 'data-sectionid' => $section->section in the .section li to ensure correct section selection for the Activity Chooser. === 3.8 === * The following functions have been finally deprecated and can not be used anymore: * section_edit_controls() === 3.6 === * New method validate_format_options() cleans the values of the course/section format options before inserting them in the database. Course format options can now be set in tool_uploadcourse and validation of user-submitted data is important. Note that validate_format_options() is now always called when somebody creates or edits course or section and also during restore and course upload. Default implementation validates against the definition of the form elements for format options. * The final deprecation of xxx_delete_course callback means that this function will no longer be called. Please use the observer for event \core\event\course_content_deleted instead. === 3.5 === * Course formats should overwrite get_config_for_external function to return the course format settings viewable by the current user. If the course format does not have any setting that could be considerated private (like a private/access key/token), is ok to return all the settigns via the get_format_options function. === 3.3 === * Javascript code for editing activities and sections was moved to an AMD module, course/rest.php is no longer responsible for editing actions, instead it is done in web services. Carefully test all editing actions during upgrade. * The new method format_base::allow_stealth_module_visibility() can indicate whether course format supports "stealth" activities mode when they are available but not visible on course page. Course format that supports stealth mode must check $cm->is_visible_on_course_page() when displaying activities list on the course page instead of $cm->uservisible. For all other plugins except course formats the same property $cm->uservisible indicates if the activity contents is actually available to student. * Option "Number of sections" (numsections) was removed from topics and weeks formats, instead the actual number of records in the course_sections table is treated as a number of sections (excluding section 0 that should always be present). * Method create_course() will populate the new course with empty sections if $data->numsections is provided even if "numsections" is not an option defined by the course format. * course/changenumsections.php can now be used to insert sections at any positions. * The variable SECTIONLEFTSIDE was changed from '.left .section-handle img' to '.left .section-handle .icon' in course/format/topics/format.js and course/format/weeks/format.js due to the introduction of Font Awesome (see MDL-40759) which altered the HTML. Please check if your course format relies on this selector, and if so, update it. === 3.2 === * Callback delete_course is deprecated and should be replaced with observer for event \core\event\course_content_deleted * Course formats can overwrite get_default_course_enddate function to set the default course end date for new courses. format_base::get_default_course_enddate uses the new "Course duration" site setting to calculate the default course end date from the default course start date. * New method format_base::supports_news() which is used to determine whether an Announcements forum will be automatically created on course creation. For course format plugin developers, please override format_base::supports_news() to return true if you want the Announcements forum to be created upon course creation and remove the block names defined in format_base::get_default_blocks(). === 3.1 === * Course format may use the inplace_editable template to allow quick editing of section names, see and MDL-51802 for example implementation. === 3.0 === * Course formats should now use section_edit_control_items and use the returned array of controls items and their attributes to create a renderable menu or array of links. Plugin calls to section_edit_controls will now include the section edit control in the returned array. * The section name is now wrapped in a new span (.sectionname > span), process_sections method in format.js should be updated so .sectionname DOM node's wraps the section title in a span. You can look at how to implement the change in course/format/topics/format.js or MDL-48947. * New method format_base::get_default_section_name retrieves the default section name for the given course format. The base implementation basically uses the implementation of format_base::get_section_name. The method can be overridden in format_base subclasses that use sections (i.e. format_topics, format_weeks). In relation to the changes made for the default section name, the default section name is now being shown when editing the section information. === 2.9 === * Course formats may support deleting sections, see MDL-10405 for more details. format_section_renderer_base::section_edit_controls() is now also called for stealth sections and it also returns "delete" control. === 2.8 === * The activity chooser now uses M.course.format.get_sectionwrapperclass() to determine the section selector, rather than a hard-coded `li.section`. * Activity duplication in /course/modduplicate.php is deprecated and is now done in /course/mod.php. Deprecated calls will be honored by redirecting to /course/mod.php for 3rd party plugin support. * New method format_base::section_get_available_hook() allows plugins to override section availability. === 2.7 === * The ->testedbrowsers array no longer needs to be defined in supports_ajax(). * format_section_renderer_base::section_hidden has an new second optional argument $courseorid. If provided the section name is printed in the not available string when displaying the hidden section. === 2.6 === * core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_edit_actions has two new optional arguments and now uses and action_menu component. * core_course_renderer::course_section_cm has been altered to call core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_edit_actions with the two new arguments * An additional course renderer function has been created which allows you to specify the wrapper for a course module within a section (e.g. the