OTPHP 9.1.1 -------------- https://github.com/Spomky-Labs/otphp/releases/tag/v9.1.1 Instructions to import WebAuthn into Moodle: 1. Download the latest release from https://github.com/Spomky-Labs/otphp/releases/tag/vx.x.x (choose "Source code") 2. Unzip the source code 3. Copy the following files from otphp-x.x/lib/OTPHP into admin/tool/mfa/factor/totp/extlib/OTPHP: 1. OTP.php 2. OTPInterface.php 3. ParameterTrait.php 4. TOTP.php 5. TOTPInterface.php 4. Copy the following files from otphp-x.x into admin/tool/mfa/factor/totp/extlib/OTPHP: 1. LICENSE 2. composer.json